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电话: 15859051654
姓名: bibi
Golden Swallow CO

  Golden swallow trade Co.,estalisted in 2005,located at 23 LuoXixincheng,siming district,xiemen city,China ,we have our own factory and cooperate with 5 factories at the same *域名隐藏* mainly supply the surplus of the high quality products. Golden swallow trade Co. has no affiliation with Abercrombie&Fitch,Juicy Couture, True Religion, Adidas, Ed Hardy, Lacoste, Polo, True Religion, Burberry, Gucci, CK, Coach, Fendi, Louis Vuitton,or Nike, or any other brand not mentioned herein.

主要产品/业务: shoes,jeans,clothing

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波兰求购男士 T 恤加拿大求购男士 T 恤澳大利亚求购太阳眼镜

Golden Swallow CO / 北京 / 朝阳街道908 (35001) / 电话:15859051654

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